I'm a free spirited aging hippie
who loves talking to flowers, chasing rainbows
and photographing all the beauty that surrounds us
Thanks for taking a peek into my little world

Saturday, March 16

Intangible Beauty

Nature  made


eileeninmd said...

Lovely reflections and colors! Have a happy weekend!

Mel said...

Oh....this makes me so hungry to sit along the banks to just BE a part of the reflection.
Wonderful photo.

rainfield61 said...

A beautiful place you have visited.

Karen said...

Lovely Laura.

S. Etole said...

Like a beautiful painting.

Dirk Rosin said...

flotte speiling !
hilsen dirk

Anonymous said...

You have me thinking of some reflection shots I took during the fall last year. I will need to revisit. This is beautiful!