I'm a free spirited aging hippie
who loves talking to flowers, chasing rainbows
and photographing all the beauty that surrounds us
Thanks for taking a peek into my little world

Tuesday, December 22

Teardrops from Heaven

Bringing life
and hope


Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Para si e sua família desejo um Natal de Luz! Abençoado e repleto de alegrias.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I love these dark, vibrant images that you conjure up.

What Karen Sees said...

I've been pretty much absent from blogging the past few months, but when I come back I'm always inspired by your beautiful images. I love the past few you have posted, and especially this one. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to many more of your beautiful photos in 2016!

Marco said...

Buen ojo para captar esos detalles.
Felices Fiestas y un Prospero Año Nuevo

orvokki said...

This is really beaitiful.

Dirk Rosin said...

Beautiful Laura ! Merry Christmas :-)

Linda W. said...

Such great detail. Lovely image!