I'm a free spirited aging hippie
who loves talking to flowers, chasing rainbows
and photographing all the beauty that surrounds us
Thanks for taking a peek into my little world

Wednesday, August 3

Day Dreaming

The air is filled with
the sweet lullaby scents
of summer

Sharing with Through My Lens                                                                        


Bill said...

Easy to get lost in those colors ♥♥♥

Linda W. said...

So soft and delicate!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

My eyes are closed and am sosmewhere else. Very retty shot

alp said...

Un colorido estupendo..un abrazo desde Murcia....

George said...

Lovely! You and Georgia O'Keefe would get along well.

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful...love the color!

NCSue said...

Such a love;y, romantic rendering of this lovely flower.
I hope you'll come link up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/08/a-little-dab-of-color.html

Molly said...

This is so beautiful,


simply bev said...

So pretty. What kind of flower is this?

Anonymous said...

A lovely scent!