I'm a free spirited aging hippie
who loves talking to flowers, chasing rainbows
and photographing all the beauty that surrounds us
Thanks for taking a peek into my little world

Thursday, January 26

Green Peace

Where Wood Sprites
hide and go seek

Sharing with Through My Lens                                                                                     


Dirk Rosin said...

amazing photo !

Rick Forrestal said...

Beautiful scene.

Bill said...

I love they way the light works... ♥

Helen said...

They are hidden well in the lovely greens of the trees.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen trees so shrouded in moss! Exceptionally beautiful photo!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the strong dark trunks and the wispy loght coloured branches

Devilish Angel said...

Lovely, but creepy...

Molly said...

This is fantastic.
